It looks like a regular coconut from the outside, with the husk removed leaving the inner shell. Inside, the meat is still intact, but the coconut water has been replaced with coconut flavoured jelly. The chilled coconut jelly tastes extremely nice, especially since we were so thirsty after playing badminton.
Everything was perfect, except the spoons they provide. Scraping coconut meat through the small opening on top of the shell was difficult with the flimsy plastic spoon, which can be easily broken if not careful.
On a different matter, saw this in QB later that night.... totties!! The driver must have a hard time keeping the car free of dust.
Bro, I think you will be the next new water buffallo, now there will be TWO water buffallos in Team BFB ... Virgin & Rogue.
why post unrelated comment... this post is about coconuts la...
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