Year end is the raining season, the wind will be strong and rain will be frequent. The week after WCA, 3 of the poles holding up the net got blown down. The poles were nailed to the ground by iron rods of about 2 feet long, yet the wind was strong enough to pull all the rods out of the ground! Imagine how strong the wind was. Putting the heavy pole back up was not easy, and after that we had to climb up all the way to the top of the pole to fix the net.
And because of the rain, the grass grew like there was no tomorrow. Running around in the waist-high grass was almost impossible. If you were to lie down in the open, the grass would still hide you from the enemy. Not bad huh, the first 7-man speedball field with elements of woodsball... lol

Cutting the grass was super tiring, took us 2 weekends to finish the job. You know those grass cutters
ahahahaha...understand how you guys feel. That's what we did to our field too.
Though our field was just a humble, small recball field, that doenst mean we need to let it look like a big hell of grass that grew over the heads rite?
anyway, nice job though..the field look spiffy! ^^
Thanks, good to see someone appreciating the hard work... :)
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