Thursday, March 5, 2009

Frisbee Day

"Touch Down!!"

Went to the old campus for my first game of Ultimate Frisbee! It has been so long since I was at the old campus, so nostalgic nia...

2 hours b4 the game went to eat BBQ Chicken in Gurney. The super big chicken burger made me so full, 2 hours later went for frisbee still feeling ba ba...

FYI, the game is called Ultimate Frisbee. It's not your usual throw-in-the-park kind of frisbee. It's kinda like american football, 'monkey', and netball combined. Hard to explain, go watch the video to get the picture...

Even they have the superman dive...

Being a first-timer, i threw lousily. Almost every one of my throw would miss its target, unlike the others, can even throw in a curved path, 'banana-ball' style!! Fuyoh, didn't know snakeman can also do 'banana' de...

Captain was suppose to come, but he sent me this msg instead... in the end, I was the only paintballer in the game.

Even this little fella wants to join in the game...

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