Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dynasty signs with KEE Action Sports

One of the greatest teams in professional paintball has signed with KEE Action Sports for the 2009 season. Known for their aggressive style of play, team Dynasty will no longer be wearing JTs on the field.

KEE Action Sports, a company with over 30 years of experience in the paintball industry, is responsible for brands like Empire, Pure Energy, Evil, RPS, Extreme Rage and Invert. This means that Dynasty will don Empire playing gear and Eventz masks for the rest of the 2009 season, and shooting RPS paintballs.

Below is an extract taken from

Sewell, NJ, February 16, 2009. KEE Action Sports LLC. KEE Action Sports announced that it has agreed to sponsor the San Diego Dynasty, the world’s top professional paintball team. KEE will outfit the team with Empire Pants, Jersey, Gloves, and Protective Gear. The team will also be shooting world renowned RPS Paintballs, and wearing the Empire E’Vents Goggles. Dynasty will be maximizing innovation, utilizing the new Empire Prophecy Loader System.

“Dynasty’s success on and off the field make them a perfect fit for Empire and RPS Paintballs, with all three entities being leaders in their respective categories,” said Vice President of Marketing, Jason A. Taitano. Alex Fraige, Dynasty’s Captain, said,” We’re stoked to join the Empire and RPS Team. They produce great products, have the best paint, and are a great partner for us to continue our success.”

Team Dynasty will begin playing with their new gear at the PSP Phoenix event the week of February 13th, 2009....

Their previous sponsor however, is rumored to have picked up team XSV for 2009. Look out for Thomas Taylor and gang in JTs...

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